Lookalikes™ finds top talent by utilizing customizable archetypes based on a specific person, candidate job titles, or the open job description.
Type in the desired job title, along with all other attributes of an ideal candidate:
Use that former employee as the archetype for Lookalikes™.
Use an existing High Performer as the archetype for Lookalikes™.
Use your top performers as templates to find your next great hires. Lookalikes’ innovative AI analyzes what makes your stars shine and finds similar candidates.
Adjust experience levels and career history to pinpoint your ideal talent match. Or, just let our AI deliver your Lookalikes™.
Lookalikes goes deeper than other candidate sourcing tools by searching and filtering more attributes.
Lookalikes has a global talent pool of 1,300,000,000+ people.
Unlike Recruiter Lite, there is no restriction
of network connection levels to view any
candidate profile.
Lookalikes ranks candidates by Predicted Interest™ in a new job.
Save time by increasing reply rate and improving placement likelihood.
Reduce time-to-hire after employee turnover
Find more people like your top performers
Source top candidates for key leadership roles
Lookalikes™ isn’t just another sourcing tool – it’s your new process for finding the best talent, fast.
Experience the future of recruiting with a platform that identifies top candidates based on an already-successful person in a role.